Children’s Ministry


Ages birth up to age 3

To help parents get the most out of our worship hour, they are invited to drop their littlest kiddos off at our staffed nursery. Toys and furniture are cleaned weekly to safeguard your precious little ones.  You will need to register your children on arrival each Sunday. You can do so in the foyer. One of our volunteers or church family will help you navigate the check-in station – it only takes a few minutes! We also have a separate room for nursing mothers.

Kingdom Kids – will resume in the near future.

Ages 4 through grade 5

During the second half of our worship service (a slide on the front screen will let you know when), kids ages 4 through grade 5 are invited to head to Kingdom Kid’s where they will enjoy a Bible message, songs, handcrafts, and games. Make sure to sign your kids in before the worship service begins! Kids will not be released without a parent present, so please be sure to pick them up promptly once the worship service is finished.